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Richard's ~JA~
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Default Cast Iron Recipes?

- Jill writes, in part....
>I'm not clear; is it *you* who wants recipes or
>the neighbor you gave your old cast iron to?
>(And shame on you for getting rid of old,
>probably well seasoned cast iron!)

Yes, the cast Iron I gave to him was many years old and expertly
seasoned. However, I am looking forward to seasoning and hereafter
using the Lodge pans, primarily beause their specific sizes suit me

This man I gave the oldies to is the "throw whatever's in the refer"
sort of cook, primarily making soups and stews. Sometimes his soup or
stew is good, sometimes the combination of things and odd, over-spicing
he does makes his dishes taste horrid. When I gave him the pans, he
said something like "oh, I used to have one of those, but the only thing
I ever saw my mother use one for was making fried chicken" (which he
does an awful job on). I wanted actual recipe suggestions to print and
give him, to not only broaden his menu choices, but also to sort of
prove to him that cast iron is not -just- for frying.

=A0=A0=A0Picky ~JA~