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Default Calphalon Caveat Query

wrote in message >...
> In, Sheryl Rosen > wrote:
> > in article ,
> >
wrote on 1/16/04 8:59 PM:

> > > I just got a few Calphalon pieces (the "Commercial" anodized models,
> > > without any nonstick coating).
> > >
> > > The brochure which came with them warns against putting them in the
> > > dishwasher.
> > >
> > > Why is this? What happens if they are run throught the dishwasher?

> > The harsh chemicals in the dishwashing detergent will wear away at the
> > anodized coating.

> So is this something that takes place over a period of years, or is it
> something that will cause you to rue the day that you EVER put your
> Calphalon in the dishwasher?

DH ruined one of mine by running it through the DW ONCE. Don't do it.

> I got them on Amazon for some excellent prices ($20 bucks!), and they work
> well, but I'd really rather just throw them in the dishwasher if it will
> take a while for there to be any adverse affects. For the price I got
> them for, it would be nice to treat them like any other cheap pot or pan.
> Hell, for 20 bucks, I could replace them every few years and not worry.
> And what happens if the anodized coating gets eaten through, anyway?

They lose their non-stick ability and the anodization begins to
scratch off into your food, teeny bit by teeny bit. They also become
harder to clean and look like shit.

> Had I paid full price, I'd trat them like gold. For what I paid, I can
> cook with them over a campfire and not worry too much...

Well, why ruin a perfectly good pot that will last you your entire
life (and I'm not kidding) simply because you are too lazy to wash by
hand? They wash very, very easily, anyway. That's one of the charms
of the brand.

(Commercial line owner)