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Dianna McLeod wrote:


> Our Pop-Tarts should be done by now, so I want you to take them out of
> the toaster. Use a fork to get them out so that you don't burn your
> fingers. Put your Pop-Tarts on your prettiest strawberry patterned plate.
> Next take a shaker full of powdered sugar and literally sprinkle it all
> over your Pop-Tarts.

They're frosted Pop-Tarts, so there's no need to sprinkle powdered sugar on
them. You may want to buy unfrosted P'Tarts in cherry or another fruit
flavor and plaster your sugar doilies on those, though.

Oh, and be sure that the plate you choose for serving is Melamine. Nothing
else will do.

> Sit down by a roaring fire with your hubby and enjoy
> your Pop-Tarts and your Cock-Poptail! Did I mention I love to have sex
> with my husband? It's true. See my website for tips!

Do you recommend sprinkling powdered sugar on him, too?

Don't overlook the decadence of chocolate or brown sugar Pop-Tarts for
late-night gorging. They're not well complemented by the grape cocktails
above (use Fudgesicles or Creamsicles instead) but, like closing time, they
have the power to make anything look good for few hours anyway.

> I forgot to mention that you can unfold the shiny foil wrappers the
> Pop-Tarts come in and tape a bunch together to make yourself a beautiful
> new tablecloth for your breakfast tablescape. And nobody will ever know
> how easy it was to make or how little it cost.

Tablescape, schmablescape! Tape them cunningly and smooth them absolutely
flat, and you can run up a lame-esque sheath that will take his breath away!

<I owe a lot to Brini Maxwell -- I really do!>