In article >,
nsmitchell@spamspamspamspamspamspamspameggandspam. com says...
> Dianna McLeod wrote:
> <snip>
> > Our Pop-Tarts should be done by now, so I want you to take them out of
> > the toaster. Use a fork to get them out so that you don't burn your
> > fingers. Put your Pop-Tarts on your prettiest strawberry patterned plate.
> > Next take a shaker full of powdered sugar and literally sprinkle it all
> > over your Pop-Tarts.
> They're frosted Pop-Tarts, so there's no need to sprinkle powdered sugar on
> them. You may want to buy unfrosted P'Tarts in cherry or another fruit
> flavor and plaster your sugar doilies on those, though.
Here is my Pop Tart story.
I was working extremely late due to a server outage and at about 10:30PM
had the hankering for something sugary.
I plopped my 75 cents into the vending machine and got the brown sugar
and cinnamon version, toasted it and then forgot that it was hot out of
the toaster when I sat back down at my desk.
Hot lava. That's the best description I can give it. Burned the roof of
my mouth quite well on that one. Now I exercise a little more caution
with Pop Tarts when I do decide to eat them.