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Bridgett wrote:
> I am going to do my summer canning in a month or 2 and I would like a
> pickle recipe that tastes like the Claussen Kosher Dills you buy in the
> cold section of the grocery store. I already have a very good regular
> dill pickle recipe and I am specifically interested in the Claussen
> flavor. Anyone have any recipes? Can you make the recipe for long term
> canning? (not just the fridge) I have made the simple recipe of using
> the Claussen brine and my own cucumbers. I used to have a website that
> specialized in recreating store-bought and restaraunt dishes at home,
> but I can't remember it any more. Does anyone have a link? Thanks for
> all of your help!!

I can't remember how many times I've posted websites, LOTS...I must
have prepared some 50 tons over my life time (that's right, fifty tons
easy... and that's not counting the sour tomatoes) nothing could be
easier... search <fermented pickles>. Many years ago (1958) I was the
head pickle miester for Chicken Delight. Well before that I learned
the trade from my grandfather who made his own for a slew of kosher
delis and appys all over Brooklyn. I used to make my own at home too
but for the past few years I've given it up... if they're here I'll eat
them and I can no longer tolerate all that salt. My sour pickles are
addictive, even to me... I can easily eat like 20-30 at one sitting, my
entire dinner, so rarely do I even buy pickles... 'bout once a year
I'll treat myself to a big jar of those Claussens, they're not great
but they're plenty good enough that I'll finish that entire jar in one
sitting. And then my legs swell up like friggin' balloons... oy vey.
Where do you think the folks who make Viagra got the idea. hehe
