ISO: Recipe posted the other day (potatoes, bacon, onion)
jammer > wrote in message >. ..
> I'm not sure if this had garlic or not. I have never had garlic and
> bacon together.
> I'm not sure it was even this NG.
> It was something like fry the bacon, add onions, add boiled cubed?
> potatoes. Then the poster said they used to add eggs to it sometimes.
> Can you help me? If not, I can figure this basic recipe out myself.
This recipe was posted on by John Droge a few days
ago. Is it what you are looking for?
My Mom and Dad's Bratkartoffel
My parents both grew up on farms in Germany near the North Sea. This
how they made it on the farm
3-4 cups boiled potatoes, cold, peeled and sliced into about the size
about 3-4 slices of bacon diced
about 1/2 cup diced yellow onions
Start frying the bacon
When you get some grease in the pan add onion
When bacon and onion start to get a little brown add potatoes
Continue till potatoes are browned lightly
My Mom would often add some beaten eggs at the end and that's what we
frequently had for lunch and sometimes for dinner.