Andy wrote:
>Curious Bubba's Daily Meal Planner
>A: Pick a number from 1-6: ___
>B: Pick a number from 1-3: ___
>Take your answer from A and match it to the line in the matrix below.
>Now take your answer from answer B and match it to the digit in that
>line. (Ex. if A = 2 and B = 2, the matching digit is "3").
>Now go to "Today's Menu Plan" and match the number to the plan and then
>plan accordingly!
Opps! I think that Tokyo butterfly must have flapped his wings!
I never was very good at higher math! :-)
>1. 123
>2. 231
>3. 312
>4. 213
>5. 132
>6. 321
>Today's Menu Plan
>1. Make things you like.
>2. Not cook at all.
>3. Experiment.
You wanna measure, or you wanna cook?