: In article >,
: (Gal Called Jani) wrote:
: > Why is RFC being spammed by the tabasco people? Weird...
: First off, they're using Google Groups. I'd be surprised if McIlhenny
: would actually use Google Groups to post. Second, the posting IP is
:, which resolves to Marina Del Rey, California, or
: thereabouts.
: Is it really the Tabasco people? Maybe, but I have my doubts.
: --
: to respond (OT only), change "spamless.invalid" to "optonline.net"
: <http://www.thecoffeefaq.com/>
The IP you mention is simply the NNTP server that was used to post the message -
it means absolutely nothing. The message originated from Google so is
essentially anonymous. Plus, it isn't even registered in DNS (therefore can't
resolve) - how did you come up with this Marina Del Rey, California crap?
BUT...an address very close to that one IS registered to tabasco.com - is indeed a Tabasco address. But again this all means nothing.