When did oatmeal portion go from 1/3 c. to 1/2 c.?
Chrys wrote:
> > This doesn't make any sense at all. If they increase the number of
> > serving per bag, why can people eat as much as they want? The serving
> > size would go down, so if you following number of servings you'd eat
> > less, not more.
> People don't follow the serving sizes that are listed. They're frequently
> rediculous. How many people buy a 20 ounce bottle of Coke and then
> actually follow what the label says about it being 2.5 servings? The
> tendency is often for people to not measure and interpret a serving to
> mean closer to what they consider a serving.
So what does it matter? The OP said that smaller serving sizes meant fat
people could eat as much as they want. If they are paying attention to
the label, then it doesn't matter whether a soda is 2.5 servings or 25
servings. It was an idiotic statement.
Brian Rodenborn