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There is an article "Is Nonstick Cookware Dangerous" in the current
May/June 2005 issue of Cooks Illustrated if you are interested. They
have tips on how to keep your nonstick cookware away from the danger
zone and that the safe option is to use a seasoned cast iron pan.

Myself, I have a cast iron Indian-style wok to shallow and deep fry,
cast iron griddle to make chapatis/rotis/parathas/tortillas, an AllClad
nonstick skillet to make dosas/pancakes/crepes, an anodized aluminum
Calpalon wok for stir-frying/braising and other sundry stainless steel
pots and pans that are mostly cheap Revereware. The Allclad nonstick
griddle is really great with pancakes and such, I do try to use the
cast iron griddle but then the nonstick one is so convenient, I just
make sure I don't overheat or leave it on the stove too long.

- Kamala.

Orc General wrote:
> I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking equipment are
> toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly what the article says but
> that the material for making it non stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did
> anyone else remember anything mention of this? What do you think of
> non-stick equipments?