Alai wrote:
> "sanne" > wrote in message
> > Hi!
> >
> >> I'm worried that the Korean ones feel too pinny.
> >
> > You'll get used to them. They're not used to "shovel" food into your
> > mouth, but to take precisely one bite. For rice (and soup, of course
> > ;-D) you have your matching spoon.
> >
> > Bye, Sanne.
> I was born and raised in Korea myself. Hi Sanne, we meet again, hehe.
> Anyways, what's so good about Korean metal chopsticks? I thought they were
> just terrible to get used to when I was young, and got me to use it the
> "wrong" way(scissorlike). Thank god I got to use it "right" way later. It
> was also very slippery when eating noodles. My mom swears by it, but I'd
> stick to wooden or light ivory ones anytime.
the wood or bamboo ones will allow bacteria to embed (plus I couldn't
find any and I'm now afraid of lacquer coating) and the light ivory
ones are either a wrong against elephants or actually plastic that may
b toxic!
My hand cramped and even though we are not used to the look of them -
we are not Korean after all - we are going to have them as the