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Default OT - Why Dean Lost

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >(Greg Zywicki) raved:
> >
> >
> >Because he's a freakin' maniac. To whit:

> To *<U>wit</U>*:
> Nitwit!

To wit, he has not one whit of wit.
Entry: namely
Function: adverb
Definition: particularly
Synonyms: especially, expressly, i.e., id est, scilicet, specially,
specifically, strictly speaking, that is, to wit, videlicet, viz.
Concept: specificity

Entry: whit
Function: noun
Definition: bit
Synonyms: atom, crumb, dash, drop, fragment, grain, hoot, iota, jot,
little, mite, modicum, particle, piece, pinch, scrap, shred, speck, trace
Concept: minor part

Entry: iota
Function: noun
Definition: bit
Synonyms: atom, chewed fine, crumb, grain, hint, infinitesimal, itsy-bitsy
piece, jot, mite, molecule, ounce, particle, ray, scintilla, scrap, smidgen,
speck, trace, whit
Concept: minor part

Entry: speck
Function: noun
Definition: bit
Synonyms: atom, blemish, blot, crumb, defect, dot, fault, flaw, fleck,
flyspeck, grain, iota, jot, mark, mite, modicum, molecule, mote, particle,
point, shred, smidgen, speckle, splotch, spot, stain, trace, whit
Concept: minor part

Entry: cleverness
Function: noun
Definition: ingenuity
Synonyms: ability, adroitness, astuteness, brains, brightness,
calculation, canniness, dexterity, discernment, flair, gift, gumption,
intelligence, quick wit, quickness, resourcefulness, sagacity, sense,
sharpness, shrewdness, skill, smartness, talent, wisdom, wit
Antonyms: foolishness, imbecility, stupidity
Concept: intelligence