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Default When did oatmeal portion go from 1/3 c. to 1/2 c.?

"Chrys" > wrote in

> "Default User" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Dally wrote:
>> > I've noticed that portion sizes change quite frequently on
>> > foods as

> the
>> > manufacturers try to either get real (does a slim box of
>> > mac'n'cheese really serve 4?) or the opposite thing happens,
>> > a single serving bag

> is
>> > transformed into two servings without it being obvious on the
>> > outside that it's now two servings, so fat people can eat as
>> > much as they

> like.
>> This doesn't make any sense at all. If they increase the number
>> of serving per bag, why can people eat as much as they want?
>> The serving size would go down, so if you following number of
>> servings you'd eat less, not more.

> People don't follow the serving sizes that are listed. They're
> frequently rediculous. How many people buy a 20 ounce bottle of
> Coke and then actually follow what the label says about it being
> 2.5 servings? The tendency is often for people to not measure
> and interpret a serving to mean closer to what they consider a
> serving.

One pint of ice cream (or sherbet): Serves 4. Riiiight.