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Default When did oatmeal portion go from 1/3 c. to 1/2 c.?

On 1/20/2004 4:52 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> Carol Cohen wrote:
>>I'm writing to you because I can't think of better newsgroups to
>>answer my question, which is: I have always made oatmeal by the
>>recipe on the Quaker Oats box: 1/3 cup oats, 3/4 cup water. But the
>>new box reads: 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup water. (and of course the
>>calories which used to be 110, are now 150). When did the portion
>>size change? And why?

> When did people start to actually measure porridge ingredients?

I've always measured them...

jmk in NC