----- Original Message -----
From: "usual suspect" >
Newsgroups: alt.health,alt.food,alt.food.vegan
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 8:53 AM
Subject: exercise does not make one lose weight.
us>>> Without exercise, any attempt to lose weight will be futile.
>> http://www.ecologos.org/ex.htm
> Your website is filled with strawmen.
Yet, you have never been able to refute anything I say, here or there.
Stupid insults merely identify you for who you are.
> So, too, is your editing of my post down to that one line.
It was a definitive statement that is simply dead WRONG.
> I suggested exercise is beneficial for weight MANAGEMENT.
"Without exercise, any attempt to lose weight will be futile." is NOT a
suggestion; it is a false statement standing tall on its own lack of merit.
> The heart is muscle. Muscle responds to exercise. Food only
> serves as fuel.
WRONG, again. Food supplies energy, not "fuel" - we are not gasoline
engines, AND it supplies the chemicals from which our bodies are made.
Food supplies BOTH mass and energy, not just energy AS YOU STATED.
> Exercise increases the metabolic rate, ...
What is the mechanism?? You will not answer.
> ... causing people to burn calories ...
WRONG again. Calories are a unit of heat; they can NOT be "burned"!
This is grade school science that you are flunking.
> Your example of running 8.1 hours at 5.3 mph is a dramatic exaggeration
WRONG again; it is a simple calculation relating the amount of exercise
equivalent to a pound of "fat". It is simple grade school arithmetic, so
you now flunk arithmetic too!
> (then again, you're a drama queen so it's to be expected).
You are only insulting yourself by this juvenile behavior, or is that
concept too difficult for you to understand, too??
> You couldn't have been much of an engineer, Larry, with your tenuous grasp
> of the scientific method.
Yet, beyond insults, you can not refute anything I say with facts and