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Dan The Man wrote:
> Greetings Mat,
> Truth is, I don't have a web page of my own - there might be another
> soul out there who uses "Dan The Man" as his nickname.
> As for the wine, I have tried Jacob's Creek Semillon/Chard. Quite nice,
> though a bit on the simple side. A good "food" wine in other words.
> When it comes to Chard, I am also quite picky. I prefer the ones that
> are fruity and somewhat acidic. I could never get a taste for the ones
> that are oaked to death.
> To each his own, right?
> Dan-O (who IS a big Riesling and Viognier fan)

Hello Dan,

My brain seems to have shut down. I was thinking of MikeD from , how I got Dan the Man from that I'll never
know. Sorry about that.

Isn't it amazing how such an amazing organ as the brain can get it all
so wrong?

Anyhoooo, yeah that's pretty much the hallmark of the Jacob's Creek
range, simple. Most other things I've tried from that range have been
pretty awful.

Although the shiraz came alive with a spicy pasta dish when before that,
the very same glass had been approaching awful.

You might like to try the riesling in the Jacob's Creek, it is often
given high marks. Would be interesting if nothing else.

Also, don't confuse Jacob's Creek with Jacob's Creek Reserve, which
although the next label up, and about $13AU, versus about $8AU, are
consistently given good write-ups.
