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Steve Margita
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Default Newbie question about stabilizing wine

I'm working on a Pinot Noir kit. When I went to test the specific gravity to
see if it was OK to proceed to step 2, my reading was still a little high
(1.014 - needed to be less than 1.010)
So, I left the wine in the fermentor...then I accidentally broke my
hydrometer that same day.
4 days later, I received my new hydrometer today, checked the specific
gravity reading (.994) and then racked the wine into the Carboy where it is
supposed to sit for 10 days (until the sp. gr. reading is .996 or less)

My wine is already at .994 when I racked it...I plan to conform this
reading again tomorrow. But, assuming it is the same, should I wait the
whole 10 days or can I just jump into step 3 and stabilize the wine now?
