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Melba's Jammin'
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Default Using a Meat Thermoneter?

In article >, Dog3
<dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote:

> Melba's Jammin' > deliciously posted in
> :
> > In article > , Dog3
> > <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote:
> > (snip)
> >> From the original poster's description; I interpreted the thermometer
> >> as an instant read. I wonder if the big "dial" is the actual dial or
> >> is the head of the thermometer depicting the varying temperatures.
> >>
> >> Michael

> >
> > Huh? What's the difference?
> > -B

> One type is an instant read and the other you leave in during the entire
> cooking process. We can't tell which type the original poster has. We
> need
> more info.
> Michael

Yeah, yeah, yah. I understand the difference between instant read and
t'other. What I didn't understand is the difference between "if the big
"dial" is the actual dial or is the head of the thermometer depicting
the varying temperatures." To me, the dial and the head of the
thermometer depicting the varying temperatures is the same thing. What
am I missing?
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail;
a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn,that was fun!"