In article <Piile.8810$IC6.7021@attbi_s72>,
"Kevin" > wrote:
> My wife and I are currently in the process of building. Our builder usually
> uses GE Profile appliances for the kitchen, but is open to anything we want
> (as long as we pay the difference, of course, lol). Anyone have any
> experiences they would care to share with said appliances?
GE won't get any more of my money, not after the Profile refrigerator we
had for 6 years and finally dumped.
I put three MORE icemakers in it, after the factory one, and then one
day water was leaking on the floor from somewhere INSIDE the icemaker
water feed system--inside the fridge.
In addition, I bought it back when things were booming and companies
were fat and happy. GE got me to buy a Profile because they offered
extra support to Profile buyers--a special line to technicians. In
fact, the first time I had to replace the icemaker, the guy on the phone
was very helpful.
When I called back a couple years later, GE had discontinued the
phone/tech support perks for Profile customers. Times were bad, so they
just dumped that program.
Screw GE. That was a short term decision on their part, but it cost
them at least one customer long term.
And notice how I don't hesitate to tell the story. Maybe it will cost
them more customers.