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"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
. ..
> "Kevin" > wrote in message
> news:Piile.8810$IC6.7021@attbi_s72...
>> My wife and I are currently in the process of building. Our builder
>> usually uses GE Profile appliances for the kitchen, but is open to
>> anything we want (as long as we pay the difference, of course, lol).
>> Anyone have any experiences they would care to share with said
>> appliances? We like the idea of the appliances all matching in
>> appearance, but since we do not plan on moving any time soon, I want to
>> get the best bang for the buck... My wife is the cook in the family, so
>> this is one area I am happily unfamiliar with. TIA, kevin

> I'd look at Kitchen Aid, Whirlpool, Maytag. I'd avoid GE and any brand
> made by Frigidaire (Electrolux) family of companies.

Wow, I really appreciate all of the responses. My builder actually uses
either GE Profile or Kenmore Elite, so I guess I have a lot of research
ahead of me. Apparently, it will be in our best interest to fork over some
extra $$ for better appliances for the long term outlook.
