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Steve Calvin
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Kevin wrote:

> "Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> . ..
>>"Kevin" > wrote in message
>>>My wife and I are currently in the process of building. Our builder
>>>usually uses GE Profile appliances for the kitchen, but is open to
>>>anything we want (as long as we pay the difference, of course, lol).
>>>Anyone have any experiences they would care to share with said
>>>appliances? We like the idea of the appliances all matching in
>>>appearance, but since we do not plan on moving any time soon, I want to
>>>get the best bang for the buck... My wife is the cook in the family, so
>>>this is one area I am happily unfamiliar with. TIA, kevin

>>I'd look at Kitchen Aid, Whirlpool, Maytag. I'd avoid GE and any brand
>>made by Frigidaire (Electrolux) family of companies.

> Wow, I really appreciate all of the responses. My builder actually uses
> either GE Profile or Kenmore Elite, so I guess I have a lot of research
> ahead of me. Apparently, it will be in our best interest to fork over some
> extra $$ for better appliances for the long term outlook.
> kevin

Again, I wouldn't over look them. At least the higher end models. Can
you spend a ton of money and get something better? Sure, but are you a
professional? Are you really going to notice the difference or just
looking for a name? (NOT a shot, just something to think about). I know
quite a few people who have very high end equipment and wouldn't know
how to use it. Most of 'em go out to eat and the appliances are simply
status symbols, at least to them...

Ever notice that putting the and IRS together makes "theirs"?