"The Joneses" > wrote in message
>J A Nelson wrote:
>> Strawberry juice??? Dang! Woman give it some body, lay in the beet
>> juice! Just dropped in to find out what was happening...
>> VBG jane
> Gasp! she said b**t out loud! and on such a civilized newsgroup, too.
> Shameless hussy.
> Making 7# of Red Wine Pickled B**ts (small baby veggies) today. Remind me
> not
> to get overenthused about baby vegetable anything. They are a pain in the
> rear
> to peel and process. I'll just stick to normal sizes from now on.
> Edrena, Very Shameless Hussy who loves b**ts.
God Bless You. It is good to hear from a fellow beet lover! I mush down
to my local farmer in mid September and dig through the cannery bins for
beets over the size of a tennis ball and up to softball size. These are
scrubbed, sorted and placed in two 5 gallon pots to start simmering (low
and slow) at 11 pm through the night. By 8 am the pot with the smaller
beets are ready to skin, cut and pack. When these are finished, the
other pot is fully cooked and ready. These larger ones are actually cut
into 1/2 inch cubes along with onions and hot peppers and then packed into
quart jars. I make a couple of different batches of pickling syrup ranging
from spicy (as in the spice mixture you use with bread and butter pickles)
to very hot. This means that I have batches processing all along the day,
but I can get 50 pounds done in one day.
BTW I like to mix my rhubarb with apples and cranberries.
Have fun, jane