On Sun, 22 May 2005 00:49:45 GMT, "Gordon Hayes"
> wrote:
>I made a new SD starter after Pesach this year. Didn't get any of mine dried
>in time to save. I used instant yeast to get it going. I understand that the
>acid content of the SD starter will eventually kill off the instant yeast
>which is good. What I wanted to happen.
>My question is how long does it take for this to happen. How long will it
>take for the charecteristic SD taste to start coming out?
>Gordon in SW IN, USA
Hi Gordon,
If your goal was the elimination of the instant yeast, why
did you use it in the first place? It would seem to make
more sense to start with a healthy culture (I an others will
be happy to send some to you) or to make your own from flour
and water alone.
Beyond that, I also have read that the commercial yeast
cannot live in the acid environment of the SD, but don't
know how long it will take for it to die off.
All the best,
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