When did oatmeal portion go from 1/3 c. to 1/2 c.?
Sarah Jane > wrote in
> In > Bingo
> wrote:
>> Sarah Jane > wrote in
>> :
>>> In > Carol
>>> Cohen wrote:
>>>> I'm writing to you because I can't think of better newsgroups
>>>> to answer my question, which is: I have always made oatmeal
>>>> by the recipe on the Quaker Oats box: 1/3 cup oats, 3/4 cup
>>>> water. But the new box reads: 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup water.
>>>> (and of course the calories which used to be 110, are now
>>>> 150).
>>>> When did the portion size change? And why?
>>>> C.C.
>>> I'm not sure when it changed, but I think I know why. They're
>>> claiming that eating oatmeal every day can lower cholesterol,
>>> but apparently the smaller serving size isn't enough to get
>>> the effect. I just checked the box in my cabinet, and it says
>>> "eating a good-sized bowl of Quaker Oatmeal for 30 days will
>>> actually help _remove_ cholesterol from your body". Note the
>>> "good-sized" specification.
>> I only eat one instant packet a day, which I think is 1/3 cup.
>> In the past year my cholesterol went from 162 to 140.
> That's great for you, but the studies used more than that (at
> least 2 g soluble fiber, which is the amount in the 1/2 c
> serving). I'm not saying less wouldn't work for some people, but
> more probably works for more people, and of course Quaker would
> use the higher number to sell more oatmeal.
> BTW, I don't know if you've been losing weight, but if you have,
> that alone could account for the drop in cholesterol.
Since the 162 I have lost about 15 pounds, but I'm sure the oatmeal
helped, as well as reducing red meat intake. I don't eat much of it