"alsandor" > wrote in
> Rhonda Anderson a écrit :
>> Just curious - was Peter Robinson College a residential college?
> There were some residential accomodations but as I pointed out, PR was
> for off-campus students.
I read that post of yours after I'd posted, unfortunately. It's obviously
a different system - as you pointed out, modelled after the English one,
whereas the system at Sydney Uni isn't (at least, not now - I don't know
if it ever was).With yours, all students were appointed to a college (if
I'm remembering your post correctly), whereas at Sydney they are
primarily residences, and not all students are associated with a college
- it would be a minority, actually.
Some of the colleges, the ones on campus,
> were definitely residential. Obviously, if you were in residence, you
> were in residence at a college. Each college is associated with
> specific activities but I never paid any attention to those and the
> only thing I ever did at the college was to go with my wife to the
> Christmas dinner. Colleges have principals, tutors and dons and I
> gather disciplinary actions are taken by colleges, not the university
> administration. However, that was never a problem, so I never
> actually had much to do with the college (barring the aforementioned
> Christmas dinner) and only needed to go there to see my academic
> advisor, which happened twice.
> Here's the blurb from Trent.
> "Each College is an intellectual and social neighborhood -- a centre
> of academic and social activity, housing professors' offices, small
> lecture halls and seminar rooms. The Colleges sponsor visits by
> scholars, writers and public figures, and organize lecture series,
> seminars, concerts, films, dances and pub nights."
Thanks for the information. I find the differences and similarities
between the education systems of different countries very interesting.
I've stayed up extremely late to finish writing a presentation for
work,and to bake banana cake. The presentation's as done as it can be,
the cakes are cooling, and I'm hitting the sack for a few hours sleep.
Rhonda Anderson
Cranebrook, NSW, Australia