"meijnhard" > wrote in message
> yes, it is a seasonal thing. Last week the first bucket with fresh
> 'maatjesharing' was sold and that is the start of the season. The
> herring is caught in the Northsea & Eastsea in this period while it is
> at its fattiest.
> The herring, called 'Hollanse nieuwe' is ripened: after the gills,
> throat and intestines except for the pancreas are removed it is kept in
> salt over a period. Apparently the pancreas contains enzymes that play
> a part in developing the taste.
> The way the 'Hollanse nieuwe' is eaten is indeed with chopped raw
> onions and traditionally like in this pictu
> http://www.waasdorp.nl/images/vishan...ngWaasdorp.jpg
> Being dutch I was eager to make sushi with it. I made it last week and
> I liked it as sushi.
> I put it on my web-log, but it is dutch though:
> http://sushi.web-log.nl/log/2690633
> Mike
You probably explained this on your site, but how was the taste?
Was it close to other traditional sushi? Or unique?
Did you use soy sauce and wasabi, or soy sauce and shouga?