On Mon, 06 Jun 2005 08:27:01 -0700, Space Cowboy wrote:
> I'm surprised you can't find at least any round tuocha boxes or beengs
> in your local Chinatown. Pu is highly valued as a dieting tea by the
> Chinese. Pu is also good for constipation. It is also the cheapest
> stuff on the shelves. You might try the herbalist shop. If my local
> tea shoppe carries it so does yours. Pu teabag is kind of rare. The
> only one I've seen comes with cork filler to further the claims of
> multiple infusions. It bobbles and bobbles. If you want all the rage
> pu you'll have to shop the Internet. I've got some coming in bamboo
> wrapping which looks like it came out of something's backend. My last
> order from China is overdue. I'll be the only guy in the US who didn't
> get his order because the FDA decided to incinerate the shipment
> because it didn't have a PNSI number.
I've purchased a tin of TUOCHA from World Market and RICHI loose leaf PU
from Whole Food. I haven't found any at the local asian grocers. Of course
I might have seen it and not known what I was looking at.