Thread: tea leaves?
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Boron Elgar
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Default tea leaves?

On Thu, 22 Jan 2004 14:54:49 GMT, Frogleg > wrote:

>Fancied a cuppa the other day and used my little brown teapot and
>loose leaves. Would like to have more tea more often, but the used
>leaf problem daunts me. I'm not going to put them down the drain; no
>disposal; they're too wet (1/4 pot of cold tea left) to put in my
>kitchen trash. How *do* people clean out the teapot and dispost of the

First off, I use a tea ball most of the time & just empty it into the
garbage. I also have a little brown teapot, but it has a strainer
built into the spout. That, too helps, but if you have neither, you
must have some sort of small mesh strainer around. Just pour the tea
out through the mesh & dump the leaves that collect.

The strainer that is my favorite is only about 3 inches across. It is
plastic with wire mesh and had a extension piece on the side opposite
the handle so it can be supported in a glass, cup or small bowl. I use
it for all sorts of things...skimming soup, rescuing coffee filter
disasters, soaking a small amount of dried mushrooms or raisins, etc.
