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Space Cowboy
Posts: n/a

Look for a store run by Chinese. The other IndoChina or Pacific Rim
countries probably won't stock any. Look for the word YUNNAN on the
packaging. That is more consistent than variations of Pu'rh which is
most probably just the characters. It is hard to miss the pancake or
beeng forms. The only round boxes I've seen contain tuochas. The
brick or fang form is also common. If you find it in Chinatown it is
about a penny/gram. I look at the TaoBao site everyday and if you pay
more than $10/350g then the difference should only reflect shipping.
I'd say each year of additional aging adds a buck. I've never seen any
100g tuocha over $3 with most a buck which is what I pay in my


Sajo Sendak wrote:
> On Mon, 06 Jun 2005 08:27:01 -0700, Space Cowboy wrote:
> > I'm surprised you can't find at least any round tuocha boxes or beengs
> > in your local Chinatown. Pu is highly valued as a dieting tea by the
> > Chinese. Pu is also good for constipation. It is also the cheapest
> > stuff on the shelves.

....I delete me...
> I've purchased a tin of TUOCHA from World Market and RICHI loose leaf PU
> from Whole Food. I haven't found any at the local asian grocers. Of course
> I might have seen it and not known what I was looking at.