Thread: tea leaves?
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Louis Cohen
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Default tea leaves?

If you garden, start a compost heap in your yard, or get a compost
container. Keep a plastic bowl handy in the kitchen for vegetable trimmings
and tea leaves and coffee grounds, and dump the bowl on to the compost heap
nightly. Or, get a worm box and let them turn the vegetable waste
(including tea leaves) into wonderful organic fertilizer. Use the compost
in your herb/vegetable garden and the whole thing comes full circle.

Or, line your garbage pail with a plastic grocery bag and dump the wet tea
leaves right in.

Louis Cohen
Living la vida loca at N37° 43' 7.9" W122° 8' 42.8"

"Frogleg" > wrote in message
> Fancied a cuppa the other day and used my little brown teapot and
> loose leaves. Would like to have more tea more often, but the used
> leaf problem daunts me. I'm not going to put them down the drain; no
> disposal; they're too wet (1/4 pot of cold tea left) to put in my
> kitchen trash. How *do* people clean out the teapot and dispost of the
> leaves?