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Sajo Sendak
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On Tue, 07 Jun 2005 08:06:07 -0700, Space Cowboy wrote:

> Look for a store run by Chinese. The other IndoChina or Pacific Rim
> countries probably won't stock any. Look for the word YUNNAN on the
> packaging. That is more consistent than variations of Pu'rh which is
> most probably just the characters. It is hard to miss the pancake or
> beeng forms. The only round boxes I've seen contain tuochas. The
> brick or fang form is also common. If you find it in Chinatown it is
> about a penny/gram. I look at the TaoBao site everyday and if you pay
> more than $10/350g then the difference should only reflect shipping.
> I'd say each year of additional aging adds a buck. I've never seen any
> 100g tuocha over $3 with most a buck which is what I pay in my
> Chinatown.

Are you referring to this site: ??