The week that was!
In article >,
(Curly Sue) wrote:
> I'm not very good at this WWT stuff, but here goes :>
Oh, I think you're just fine! Sounds like you had way too much for a
woman your age! :-)
> Last week was exceptional, food-wise.
> Tuesday: I fired up the Cuisinart Pasta maker with the spaghetti die
> and made whole wheat spaghetti carbonara. Mmmm!
Did you use any white flour or semolina in it?
> Wednesday: Went to a unique Egyptian restaurant in Astoria for a late
> Thursday: Lunch at La Cote Basque in Manhattan, with our own dear
> Margaret.
> Friday: Made chicken waldorf salad- granny smith apple, celery, bit
> of onion, craisins, walnuts, diced chicken, mayo. Love it.
> Saturday, I visited my friend Barbara in Pennsylvania for the weekend.
> Sunday: When Barbara visited me in early January she bought a tagine.
> So during my visit, we put it to use making a lamb tagine (excellent)
> We also did a lot of shopping and I picked up a serious mandoline ($58
> marked down from $168!), a mezzaluna, and three thermometers I was
> lacking (candy, digital instant read, and a digital
> refrigerator-freezer thermometer that also gives a 7-day average for
> each compartment, $15 marked down from $30). I also bought a few
> cookbooks I didn't need but couldn't resist.
> Over and out!
> Sue(tm)
> Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!
(I love that line!)
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail;
a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn,that was fun!"