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FYI, a (small) rotating group of homebrewers have a standing meeting
there Wednesdays at 1pm (ish). One guy walks and a couple ride bikes
along the beach bike path to El Segundo (the R B&G is inland a bit, but
not much) and some drive. Feel free to join us.


Fred Waltman
Marina del Rey, CA

Scott Kaczorowski wrote:
> (Bill Benzel) wrote in
> :
> > Scott Kaczorowski > wrote:
> >:
(Bill Benzel) wrote in
> >: :
> >:
> >:> Lew Bryson > wrote:
> >:>:
> >:>:> So: I'm thinking about going to the Richmond Bar and
> >:>:> Grill in El Segundo, CA just for the beer. Thoughts?
> >:>:
> >:>: Starting small is a good way to work out your bigger
> >:>: problems with beer travel. I say Yes!
> >:>
> >:> And review it for us -- I have 90 minutes to drive just
> >:> to get up to Long Beach so I really wanna know if it's
> >:> worth the additional half hour.
> >:
> >: Roger on the review.

> A small, local pub. Decorated in the style of Chili's ("Beware
> Pickpockets and Loose Women", "Beauty is in the Eye of the
> Beerholder", "What are you looking at Numbskull?" [sic] (a Stone
> promo sign), "If you're drinking to forget...PLEASE PAY IN ADVANCE!
> [sic]", "Rule number 1: The female makes the rules..." The
> backbar has a Bud Man neon front and center. The Steam neon at
> upper right of the bar? Not even powered up...
> Stupid shit like that, and lots of it. And, lots of v intage/repro
> metal soda signs. And, it's a small place with much of the wall
> opposite the bar made up of mirrors (a lame trick if ever there was
> one) instead of wood (which is otherwise evident).
> Beers on tap (in order, left to right, looking at Bud Man):
> Coors Light
> Budweiser
> Arrogant *******
> Liberty Ale
> Red Car IPA
> Ale Smith Anvil
> Firestone Pale Ale
> Beamish stout
> I would say that that's actually not a bad selection for the number
> of taps. SoCal beers represented, a archetype you don't see as
> often as you should, the money-maker or two...
> I had the Bad Dog: Allegedly a "4-Alarm" chili dog...If this was
> 4-Alarm chili, the entry-level Stagg-in-a-box is 10**3**3 alarm
> chili. Boring, dull, and then it was bland. Might have made a
> decent loose meat sandwich. Beef/pork/chicken (I honestly have no
> idea) in a tomato-based sauce with zero spicing as far as I could
> tell.
> But the dog itself was *fabulous*. Not snappy like some on the
> East Coast might look for, but big (d = 1") and meaty and fried
> (which I prefer over boiling).
> I would say it's not worth your drive, but I will also say that I
> absolutely will go back.
> There are tables and booths, and none are too close together - I
> approve. There is also a patio area at the rear and I approve of
> that as well.
> It's a local(s) pub. And in that way it is a true pub. Everyone
> knew everyone else. The bar is tended by a husband and wife team,
> and I like to see that.