Dave W. wrote:
> In article .com>,
> "Default User" > wrote:
> > Oh. I was thinking it needed less of both of those. My rub for pork
> > starts with equal amounts salt/brown sugar/paprika. I never use white
> > sugar, prefer Hungarian paprika. I then add black pepper, ground
> > chiles, rubbed oregano, and granulated garlic in lesser amounts. I
> > really don't measure all that carefully.
> Sorry, Brian. My bad. I forgot my ;^)
Oh, I should have picked up on that. I guess I was still in shock from
the original recipe.
> Actually, the recipe looks like it would make better candy than a dry
> rub. IMHO ....
I realize it was spam and all, but DAMN, couldn't he steal a decent one
instead of that monstrosity?