Margaret Suran wrote:
> Arri London wrote:
> >
> >
> > LOL I know what you mean. I do have a recipe for that sort of
> > pumpernickel if you want it. It does involve baking for many hours at
> > relatively low temp. But you need the rye grains first 
> Thank you, it is nice to offer, but I do not bake bread.
( I do
> not have the equipment and I can get really good bakery bread of every
> description, right in my neighborhood. I was just really surprised by
> the good quality of the bread the father of my friend had brought from
> Germany.
> Are Rye grains difficult to find? I don't want any, I just want to know.
Doesn't take much equipment LOL. An oven, mixing bowls and pans in which
to bake bread.
As for rye grains, most wholefood/healthfood places stock them or can
order them.