modom wrote on 11 Jun 2005 in
> On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 18:02:22 GMT, Monsur Fromage du Pollet
> > wrote:
> >modom wrote on 11 Jun 2005 in
> >
> >> This sounds like a winner. Have you tried chipotles en
> >> escabeche? It's a sweet pickled chipotle concoction with thyme
> >> and brown sugar and cider vinegar. Making a vinegar reduction
> >> can be a shock to your olfactory lobe, but I like the resulting
> >> syrup on grilled pork and chicken.
> >>
> >
> >You got to be kidding...It took stopping at 5 supermarkets to
> >find just 1 can of Chipotles in Adobo sauce. And that can was
> >lonely and dusty. Peppers hot or mild except for bell peppers are
> >hard to come by up here. It's like finding Eskimoes in Huston...
> I kid you not, Monsur! If you're inclined to accept a birthday
> present from a Texan, shoot me an email in a day or so. Unless
> the Mounties confiscate dried chiles at the border, that is.
> modom
It's not a question of where he grips it!
It's a simple question of weight ratios!
A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?