sf wrote:
> Is the dill fresh or dried... does it make a difference?
> ````````````````
I used dried dill weed; I didn't have any fresh. Doesn't seem to make that
much of a difference to me but I'm sure someone would disagree.
> On Fri, 10 Jun 2005 17:16:18 -0500, jmcquown wrote:
>> Simple and no mess, very little cleanup. Grilled bratwurst,
>> grilled red potatoes rubbed with oil and sprinkled with salt,
>> pepper and dill weed. (Thanks, Sheldon for suggesting years ago
>> dill weed over parsley for potatoes!) I cut the potatoes in chunks
>> and I'm using a throw-away foil pan which I'll set on the grate. 2
>> zucchini split lengthwise and then again in half, brushed with oil,
>> salt & pepper will be grilled right on the grate with the brats.
>> Total cook time will be about 30 minutes. Included in that is
>> about 10 minutes for the potatoes (until tender) and 5-ish for the
>> zucchini. Cold beer must accompany the grilling process, of course
>> - it's hard work to stand there and stare at your food and
>> occasionally turn something over
Happy Friday!
>> Jill