Thread: Newbie question
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C. B. wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm brand new to this forum having just joined about fifteen minutes
> ago.
> I hope everyone is having the beautiful weather we are having in
> Southeast Missouri today, and have also spent some time paying
> respects to your family members who have assumed room temperature in
> order to be sure that America would be safe for us to barbecue today
> and any other day we want.
> I went out on the front porch to fire up the grill and when I took the
> lid off, the first thing I saw was the dirty metal part that hadn't
> been cleaned since last year.
> I was instantly tired at the idea of having to clean that thing. I
> don't mind cooking on it as it is because I know that the heat will
> kill anything that has been living there.
> Some of my guests are Martha Stewart types. They are so finicky that
> every little microscopic piece of dirt causes them to go crazy.
> So I was thinking to myself that someone must have invented something
> by now that I can lay over the metal grates and still barbecue. That
> way when I finish the grates are still clean, and I can throw away the
> temporary stuff that I placed the food on.
> Is there any such a critter around?
> Eat hardy and prosper!
> CB
> Three URL'S for Sale. Very similar names to, a huge international corporation
> and
> Buy all three for $450,000 or $250,000 each!
> Contact me by email

no need to cover your grill, just light your fire and place the grate
over the flames. let all the built up stuff burn for fifteen minutes and
scrape with a wire brush. then take a wet paper towel and wipe your
grate, that's it you now have a clean grate. happy cooking!