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  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Doesn't this sound delicious:

I don't think locals would complain or categorize someone as alarmist
or better off eating at MCDONALD'S for taking care. It's not
xenophobic to give new things a long look.

"Bombay's conservative middle-classes remain sceptical of what is
described as 'outside' food. They prefer their chapatis cooked at home,
preferably by mum. And they are deeply attached to their food- not just
the standard rice and dhal - but also the region's abundant seafood:
the pomfrets and the red snapper; the king crabs and the prawns; and -
of course - the succulent, magnificent Alphonso mangoes.

'Your stomach can get off if you eat outside food,' Mrs Gavai pointed
out sagaciously. 'In restaurants you don't know what oil they use or
how they prepare.
You get infections.'"