On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 13:10:44 +1000, arachne wrote:
> thank you for your information on food allergies. however we do go to the
> best research allergy unit in australia. my son is almost 3 & he has serious
> (life threatening) multiple food allergies. the things he is allergic to at
> present are egg, legumes, soy, peanut, tree nuts (all other nuts), fish,
> corn, pumpkin, citrus, strawberry, kiwifruit. i say "at present" as every
> few months more foods are added to the list as he has more reactions to
> them.
> as i said, his allergies are serious & life threatening. we have to carry an
> epipen (adrenalin injection) with him at all times in case he has an
> anaphylactic reaction (which will lead to death if not treated). it is not
> just a "bit of a rash" or a snuffly nose or a sore tummy. his allergies are
> *life threatening*. he does not have to actually eat a food to have a
> reaction, just touching certain ones (especially the fruits) can provoke a
> reaction.
I'm sorry to hear his reactions are so severe! If I was in your
situation, I'd prepare very simple/plain foods for my child and curry
would not be on the radar screen.