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Melissa Houle
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Default Herbs for baked chicken

notbob > wrote in message news:<OPXPb.102602$sv6.449534@attbi_s52>...
> I've got my fav spice mix for baked whole chicken and chicken breasts, but
> have never really worked up a good herb mix. What do you consider a good
> combination of herbs, either fresh or dried, for baked chicken?
> nb

Rosemary is my current favorite to have with chicken, but I also like
Tarragon. Rosemary is a very assertive herb and you don't have to use
all that much of it, but I like the sharpness with the mildness of the
chicken. With Tarragon, you need a larger quantity of the herb, as it
is a subtler flavor. I use EITHER Rosemary or Tarragon, but not
usually both together. Sage is another good herb for poultry.

Currently, my favorite way to cook chicken is to use a bit of sea
salt, a lot of coarse ground black pepper and rosemary or tarragon,
and squeeze a bit of fresh lemon juice over the bird just before
putting it in the oven. I peel several small yellow or white pearl
onions and roll them around in the bottom of the roasting pan in some
olive oil and balsamic vinegar. (I don't mean the very special,
expensive kind, I mean what a person with an ordinary income might buy
in the market. Trader Joe's has good balsamic vinegar of this sort for
a very reasonable price, and I use it often.) I cook the chicken or
chicken breasts in a fairly slow oven--300 to 325 degrees
Fahrenheit--for about an hour and a half to two hours, basting often
with the pan juices. It too, is a very good way to eat chicken.