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Default Vegetarian Seeking Smoker Grill Recipes


My brother (who recently died from cancer) tricked me into buying a small
smoker grill last year. He asked me to pick him up a smoker grill from K-
mart that was on clearance. It can be used 4 ways. Grill, Smoker, broiler
and something else that I can't quite remember off hand. When I arrived at
his house with the grill he was already assembling HIS grill.

I said WTF?!?! You asked me to pick this up for you!

His response was: "yea, I knew you wouldn't buy one for yourself if I had
just asked you to"

The smoker grill was for sale for only 20 bucks! Normally like $150 It was
one of the BEST purchases I've ever made! And he was RIGHT! I wouldn't have
purchasedit had he not tricked me into buying it!

Anyway, he taught me ALOT about smoking meat. What types of wood to use for
the type of meat. Apple wood works best with pork. Oak for this type of
meat. Certain types of wood for smoking fish. etc.......

I've recently been trying to become a vegetarian (since new years) but
STILL want to use my smoker. Does anyone out there have any suggestions on
Smoked Veggies meals? Skewers? Smoked Fajitas? Anything? and if so, what
kind of wood should be used? I'm assuming one should use a more mild wood,
like apple or cherry to smoke vegetables. Oak seems to be a "universal"
wood when smoking meat. Cherry seems to be a bit bitter for veggies. So
what wood should one use to smoke vegies?

I've looked all over the WWW but can only find matchings for woods/meat or
seafood. Not much out there for types of wood and smoked veggies.

Smoked Potatoes
Smoked Corn on the cob
Smoked Veggie Medley's

It has to be possible, and probably takes much less time than smoking meat.

Any other grilled veggie recipes would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, I'm looking forward to some responses!
