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Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

Damsel wrote:

> He had the spinal narcotics for two days, then switched to a morphine pump.
> Despite that, he was wildly agitated after surgery and in terrible pain.
> He was sent home with two Percocet every 4 hours.

Holy cow. He must be in pain. When I broke my collar bone two years ago they
gave me two Percocets in the hospital and a prescription for 1-2 every 8 hours
...... as required. When I went to the drug store the pharmacist gave me a very
firm warning and said that while the instructions were 1-2 that I should never
take 2 together. Rather, I should only take it if I was really in pain and
then to take only 1 and wait at least a half hour and take then second one only
if I really needed it. He also gave a very stern warning about drinking while
taking the pills.
On the way home I started feeling clammy, light headed and nauseous.

They only gave me 30 pills to start off. Then I had to go to my doctor for
another prescription. That one was for 20. I had to really ration them out.
When I went back a week and a half later he asked how many I had left, and when
I said I had 2 left he said that since I was not abusing them he would renew it
for 30.

I used most of them at night because there was no way I could sleep. I would
take one when I went to bed around midnight and then another when I woke up in
pain around 4 am. I took a few during the day time when I had bumped into
things and jarred my shoulder. Even with careful use of those things I had a
lot of trouble sleeping, one of the first symptoms of dependence on them.

Good luck to Crash.