"Damsel" > wrote in message
> Christine Dabney > said:
>>On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 10:34:07 -0400, Goomba38 >
>>>Lisa Ann wrote:
>>>> I'm just sorry you both are having such a difficult time with certain
>>>> nurses. Those type are the ones who give *all* nurses a bad name, and
>>>> it's so unfair. Not to mention the emotional damage they can inflict
>>>> on patients and their families.
>>>As a nurse, I'd love to share the other side of the issue
>>Same here.
> All of the nurse's aides/assistants were wonderful, as were all but two of
> his nurses. Those two seemed there to get a pay check, and nothing more.
> The majority were great, and really seemed to care about Crash's success
> and comfort.
> Nurse Pleasant told him, in my presence, that she would no longer move him
> to the toilet and back, because he hadn't been successful in defecating
> yet. He'd been trying and trying. Lots of gas, but nothing solid yet.
> And she scolded Crash for not having bowels that had traveled far enough
> to
> be evacuated. That's just not right.
> I would have no problem having surgery at this hospital, but I might just
> request in advance that neither of the two Nazi nurses would be assigned
> to
> me.
> Carol
> --
> United States:
> http://www.stopthehunger.com/
> International:
> http://www.thehungersite.com/
I must have missed hearing about that when I reformatted. Geeeeez, I HATE a
mean nurse! I think we tend to notice them because they are so rare,
though-thankfully! One day, those lovely ladies will need nursing, and one
can only hope that they get someone just as charming.
Lynne A