How to make Semi-ho Pop-Tarts
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>On Sun, 29 May 2005 04:21:06 GMT, "rmg"
> wrote:
>>"Tony P." > wrote:
nsmitchell@spamspamspamspamspamspamspameggandspam. com
>>> Here is my Pop Tart story.
>>> I was working extremely late due to a server outage and at about 10:30PM
>>> had the hankering for something sugary.
>>> I plopped my 75 cents into the vending machine and got the brown sugar
>>> and cinnamon version, toasted it and then forgot that it was hot out of
>>> the toaster when I sat back down at my desk.
>>> Hot lava.
>>Mmm. I love plain berry pop tarts toasted and smeared with a ton of butter.
>I haven't gotten around to trying it yet but Alton Brown has a make
>your own Pop-Tart recipe in _I'm Just Here for More Food_. You can
>invent your own flavors.
Bless you, Mr Brown!
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