tea leaves?
On Fri, 23 Jan 2004 09:16:27 -0500, Goomba38 >
>Frogleg wrote:
>> Too cold to go out there. Perhaps a tea-ball is the answer. Thanks for
>> all the suggestions.
>How is putting loose tea in a tea ball going to solve your problem of what
>to do with wet tea leaves? You have to dispose of them eventually outside of
>the tea ball just as any other leaves. I confused here.
Ah. The problem with leaves in the teapot is that they're very wet and
hard to scoop out completely. I have delicate drains(!) and even with
a sink-strainer, some things escape. I figure maybe a tea-ball will
drain pretty thoroughly, allowing me to wash the pot without fear and
dump the drier leaves into the garbage without soaking other stuff.
With fragile drains and no disposal, I'm always dithering about how to
throw things away. I *do* (usually) have a compost pot for veg
peelings, but very wet stuff gets nasty quickly. I also save yogurt,
etc. cartons (not recyclable in my town) for disposing of *special*
stuff, but if every pot of tea required a carton, I'd be up the creek.
Can you say "obsessive-compulsive"? :-)