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OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article . com>,
> "Sheldon" > wrote:
> > Damsel wrote:
> > > Ranee Mueller > said:
> > >
> > > > Wow. Someone e-mailed me to tell me that there is no such thing as
> > > >homeschooling and that failing to put my kids in preschool was the same
> > > >as child abuse. Even if I agreed with the first premise, which I don't,
> > > >I just don't think I am up to doing all of the kids' schooling, I cannot
> > > >fathom how missing out on sandboxes and fingerpaints with loads of
> > > >children instead of with a few children is somehow child abuse.
> > >
> > > Some people are just plain nuts. Anyone who has read your posts over time
> > > knows that you are a *very* intelligent woman, and well capable of home
> > > schooling your children.
> > >
> > > I'm far too scatter-brained to attempt what you're doing. You have my
> > > admiration and respect.
> > >
> > > Your detractor is an idiot.

> >
> > That's a sad comment, were you home schooled? Then you haven't a clue.
> > Home schooling is an antiquated concept held by some obstinate
> > agenda-driven simple minded who'd wish to return to the simpler times
> > when there was nothing else... home schooling is a last resort, like
> > canned chow mein and frozen pizza, immediate satisfaction but without
> > depth or breadth. Home schooling is in modern times a devise of those
> > who would shield their children from the real world... they are the
> > idiots, the FEARFUL IDIOTS... scared to death that their children will
> > discover how ignorant their parents truly are. A good parent wants
> > their chidren to exceed them, not hold their children back.
> >
> > Sheldon
> >

> All the more reason to home school....... ;-)
> TOO many kids are being graduated that still cannot read or compose a
> decent sentence with a high school diploma. And still don't understand
> how to work fractions.

Shouldn't that be:
Too many kids are graduating with a high school diploma who still
cannot read or compose a decent sentence. Many still don't understand
how to work fractions.

So, we can add you to the total for "TOO"?
Before complaining about anonymous children's inability to compose a
decent sentence, you should spend a lot of quality time with Strunk and
White. And read about sentence fractions.

If you are an example of a home schooling parent, then I'm glad that my
two kids attended school - public school at that!

Susan B.

> It's pretty sad that our public schools are getting so bad.