On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 09:42:36 -0500, in rec.food.cooking, Hairy wrote:
>"--" > wrote in message
>> "Hairy" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > > >
>> > > >But there's the pornography...
>> > >
>> > > Yes. There's that. Legal, heterosexual pornography with no children in
>> it.
>> > > No homosexuality. So maybe he's not asexual, but he certainly doesn't
>> > > appear to be interested in homosexual porn.
>> > >
>> >
>> > Really? What about the porn that was so bad that they weren't allowed to
>> > view it in the courtroom? It involved nude teen and pre-teen boys in
>> various
>> > sexual poses. Those were sent to the jury room so that they could peruse
>> > them in private.
>> > H
>> >
>> BS "urban myth", or was that from the third stall down?
>No. It was from Court TV, and heavily covered. Where do you get your info?
>> If he really had had pictures of "teen and preteen boys in sexual poses",
>> they would have brought charges for possession of child porn - and since
>> that stuff is clearly and without a doubt child porn and not legal porn,
>> those charges would have stuck.
>> But there were no such pics.
>The jurors were asked if they viewed the child porn during deliberations and
>they said some did, but since that wasn't one of the charges against him,
>they didn't think that affected their verdict.
"All the material was heterosexual and there was no evidence it was
directly related to the case, they argued. Judge Melville agreed."
"Retreating to the trenches under the onslaught, Jackson's attorney,
Robert Sanger, fired back, telling the court that any material found was
heterosexual and not illegal to have.
Mr Sanger said that the material found on the computer was dated 1998, and
from September 2003. As such it was not directly related to this case and
the probative value was almost zero."
Ah, I've found it, it's this. Court TV showed photos from these books
during the trial.
"Two hardcover books "depicting images of adolescent boys in various
stages of dress" were seized during a search of Jackson's Neverland Ranch
in August 1993, according to detective Rosibel Smith.
The bright, cheery cover of "Boys Will Be Boys," published in 1966,
featured young blond boys in retro-style swim trunks doing cannonballs
into a body of water.
The second book, a hardcover titled "The Boy: A Photographic Essay,"
depicted preteen boys "in various poses, playing, swimming, jumping,"
Smith said."
"defense attorney Robert Sanger asked Smith to read the inscriptions on
both books.
One appeared to have been written by Jackson.
"Look at the true spirit of joy and happiness in these boy's faces," was
penned on the inside page of "Boys Will Be Boys."
"This is the spirit of boyhood, a life I never had and will always dream
of. This is the life I want for my children. M.J."
Jotted above the inscription in pencil were the words "OP," or out of
print, "1988, very scarce MJ."
The second book, presumably a gift from a fan, had a smattering of hearts
scribbled around the inscription, which read: "To Michael, from your fan
XXXOOO 'Rhonda.'" A note of "1983 Chicago" was inked at the bottom of the
Smith conceded that it was not illegal to own either book. "
NOT child porn.
Doug Weller -- exorcise the demon to reply
Doug & Helen's Dogs
A Director and Moderator of The Hall of Ma'at
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