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Ranee Mueller wrote:
> "pennyaline" wrote:
> > Last I looked, preschool was still not required. In the near future,

> > I anticipate that all children will be required to attend federally-run
> > preschools in the interest of homeland security so that they may all be
> > turned into mealy mouthed little stormtroopers with "W"'s on their

> > whose only means of self-defense is to run behind the nearest flag (just
> > MHO, of course).

> When I was a kid, kindergarten wasn't required, I never went. I
> don't know if it is required now, or not, even if it isn't, it is
> assumed and your kid will be behind in first grade without it.
> As to your point about enforced early schooling, I wouldn't be as
> concerned about it from the right wing as the left, public schooling
> isn't exactly trying to indoctrinate kids into little conservatives.

I had meant that to be a joke, but after reading your reply I gave it some
more thought and I'm now convinced that, yes damn it!! That's exactly what
public education is doing, and always has done.

> > > Even if I agreed with the first premise, which I don't,
> > > I just don't think I am up to doing all of the kids' schooling, I

> > > fathom how missing out on sandboxes and fingerpaints with loads of
> > > children instead of with a few children is somehow child abuse.

> >
> > It isn't. It's a missed opportunity for socialization with loads of

> > little sandthrowers and paintflingers from families with different
> > backgrounds and priorities, but it's not abuse.

> Right. And give them a greater chance to be mouthy, unruly, violent,

That depends largely on the child. Some things are "nature," you realize.

> be exposed to more disease (so much so that our pediatrician told me
> about a new vaccine for viral (?) meningitis, but then said, "Oh, your
> kids don't need it, they aren't in day care),

Won't need it because they aren't in daycare?? Your pediatrician is a

> respiratory
> illness/asthma, general sickness.

Do you keep your children in plastic bubbles? Incidentally, do you know that
asthma is an autoimmune disease? If they're gonna get it, they're gonna get

> Those things weren't worth it to us,
> when compared with the fact that our kids are better socialized than
> most, by nature of having multiple siblings at home with whom they play
> and share and learn, our extended church family which is made up of more
> than half children ages 1-16, our extreme distaste for regimenting
> children in their specific age group at all times for learning and
> playing, rather than having mixed ages, the fact that the ethnic
> background, financial status and racial mix in our own family is more
> diverse than the people around us in this entire town, our church is
> just about United Nations, the few neighbor kids are also available to
> play, our extended family has children.

Uhhhhh... So, things are STILL limited to the family unit, right?

I may be the only one who feels this way, but as I see it your adamant
defense as stated above indicates some real intolerance and lack of desire
to extend beyond yourselves.

> It's not like we lock them up
> and don't allow them to see anyone else, but I do notice that I don't
> have to worry about making sure they have play dates as much as the
> parents of only children I know or those who have kids spaced so far
> apart they have nothing in common with each other.

And that relates to home schooling how?

> The things the boys picked up in preschool in terms of learning, were
> nothing they couldn't (and didn't) get at home, the junk (calling people
> stupid, poopy heads, pushing, materialism, video game envy, disrespect
> for authority) wasn't part of our home life at all. I understand that
> some of these things creep in at any school, we just didn't think they
> were necessary for 3 and 4 year olds, and try to limit it as much as
> possible.

These things creep in when your kids simply step out of the house to play.
Three and four year olds are especially susceptible.