rest. rec's? Viva Lost Wages
Does anyone have any more resteraunt rec's? I'll be there in a month
and would like to go somewhere fun before our Cirque du Soleil show. I
heard PF Chang's is fun and good. (We'll be in the Aladdin anyway) We
won't wanna spend $45 on a plate of food + drinks + dessert.
Jerry Ranch > wrote in message >. ..
> Its Lost Wage$, BTW
> Went there last June for a meeting and stayed at MGM Grand for 10
> days, and yep,, the food and rooms are a lot more expensive than they
> were even 10 years ago (when I was there last). And the chow was
> nothing to write home about..the Wolfgang Puck place at the MGM Grand
> was the best as far as I was concerned for quality and cost. I did
> visit my first In-and-Out Burger in Lost Wage$ though. Not as good as
> I was led to believe..the fries sucked
> On the way from Lost Wage$ to GC (though Boulder City, theres a 50's
> diner in downtown Boulder City..awesome burger and malts, and
> phosphates)
> I stopped off at the GC on the way back and it was awesome.
> Anyway, it was my 30th wedding ann last Aug, so this May the spousal
> unit and I are going to Lost Wage$ for a couiple of days, and then
> we're off to Sedona at a B&B (very very expensive) for 4 days, and
> then off to the GC South Rim for 4 days.
> I was very inpressed with the food quality and cost at the GC (Bright
> Angel Cafe, and the El Tovar dining room) ..much better that Lost
> Wage$